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Best fabric for Eczema

From field





Conventional cotton is one of the most polluting crops on earth, accounting for 25% of all the insecticides used in the world, as well as 10% of all pesticides. Many of these have been identified as cancer-producing agents. Most plagues also develop immunity to these products in a period of 5 to 6 years, which is why many companies are forced to develop even more powerful and toxic chemicals. All of these chemicals endanger the lives of farmers and their families, as well as all the humans that use cotton products, because most of these toxins are never eliminated.


Less than 1% of all cotton cultivated around the world is organically grown. Organic cotton has the advantage of being produced in a land free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and defoliants, favoring biological forms of fertilizers and pest controls. This preserves both soil and water quality and improves waste management. Farmers that cultivate organically support the natural cycle by using natural resources as much as possible. Thereby they minimize further damage to our environment, and our planet.


In addition, most cottons are machine harvested, which increases pollution and tears the cotton fibers, giving it a yellowish hue, and creating a scratchy texture that affects the smoothness of the final garment. Manual harvesting thus preserves the quality, since handpicking avoids tearing the fibers, and maintains the fibers’ natural softness.

100% Organic

Harvested with Care

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